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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wow I forgot I made this blog

It's now the summer and I can't say that I've traveled in the rhelm of the bipolar individual lately. The world around me seems to be treating itself pretty well. I've not seen too much mayhem on the road, not too many people crying in their sleeves. There's still quite a bit of laughter in shops and cars, and I only wonder about the occasional person I see ragged and talking to themselves, carrying a sign, standing on the median strip wanting all of us to give them a dollar.

Give them a dollar, please!!! Make them a millionaire so they can go home and be settled. If there is one wish I have, it's that, if we could all just give the homeless people our one dollar for a month, instead of giving it to Safeway's campaign to end cancer or diabetes, then maybe our homeless community could sleep easier.

On homelessness and how people become homeless:

Please, before you have a child, imagine that one day they could be homeless, and think about how you personally could work everyday to protect them from that hard life. Instead of being so confident that yours will be the strong one, why not instead imagine that your child might be the one mentally ill or drunk on the street and do everything in your power to prevent that reality.

Some suggestions:
Start a family business that your children help to create,
Buy smaller houses but more of them so all your family members will have a home,
create a homestead where your children will always be welcome,
never call the police on your children and have them arrested,

These are just a few suggestions. I'm sure you can think of more.

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